
DR. DAPHNE offers POWERFUL STRATEGIES to help you live a phenomenal life!






Daphne Mobley, LLC offers transformative presentations that provide useful insights and/or strategies that can be applied in many different situations. The presentations are designed to engage, energize, entertain and educate audiences.

The Powerful Pet Presence 

There are significant reasons for people to have pets in their households. Not only do pets provide companionship, but they also offer us unconditional love, health benefits and many other advantages. These presentations are designed to reveal little known facts that show how valuable pets are to people.

Key topics: 

  • The Healing Power of Pets

  • Learning Life’s Lessons From Your Pets

  • A Veterinarian’s Story: How My Dog Healed Me

Dr. Daphne’s 5 Career & Life Success Principles

Dr. Daphne believes that life should be enjoyed as much as possible. In this presentation, she shares her principles which are the foundation for audiences to live their best lives. Dr. Daphne incorporates her own story of growing up in the South Bronx, to ultimately becoming a senior executive at a Fortune 500 company, as the backdrop to discuss her principles.

KEY topics: 

  • From The Bronx To The Boardroom

Key Strategies For A Successful Career

Sometimes you encounter career challenges, and you just need someone to provide insight on how to successfully navigate difficult situations. Pulling from her own work experience, Dr. Daphne shares her critical strategies to navigate a successful career.

KEY topics: 

  • Climbing The Career Ladder

  • Networking To Increase Your Professional Net Worth

  • Think Before You Transition

  • Break Out Of Your Funk & Discover Your Passion

Family Caregivers: How To Get The Healing You Need

The number of family caregivers continues to rise as people live longer and have more health challenges. As these caregivers struggle to meet the demands of their loved ones while they still try to maintain a normal life, they experience so many emotions during this period. They are caring for their beloved family members, but who is caring for them? Dr. Daphne was one of these people and she offers ways to address the complex experiences of family caregivers.

KEY topics: 

  • Family Caregivers: How To Get The Healing You Need


Daphne Mobley, LLC uses coaching processes that guide people to reach their professional goals and overcome the challenges that confront them in their lives.

career : 

Career satisfaction and advancement are extremely vital to personal fulfillment. Coaching assists individuals as they develop and implement plans to advance their careers. Daphne Mobley, LLC offers career coaching to support individuals on their journeys to achieve career success.

leadership : 

Outstanding leadership performance is critical to any organization's success. In order for a business to reach industry leading performance, its leadership must be well equipped to direct the organization toward its goals. Daphne Mobley, LLC works very closely with leaders to support them in reaching their full potentials in leading organizations and employees to new heights.

transition : 

Businesses and employees alike must remain nimble and rapidly adapt to change in order to be successful. They must anticipate change and plan for it before they encounter it. Whether it is a new role, a different phase of life or a company's cultural transition, Daphne Mobley, LLC offers coaching support for people who are impacted by or wish to prepare for these changes.

work/life integration : 

At times employees may find that balancing their organizations' needs with their personal lives may be overwhelming. Research shows that people are more innovative when they have time to do the activities they enjoy outside of work. Coaching can provide the necessary insights that will allow people to find solutions to this major issue that impacts the performance of so many people who are working in business today.

personal development : 

There are times when individuals decide to develop further and improve the quality of their lives. Daphne Mobley, LLC offers coaching methods that assist people to burst through the barriers in their paths by using Dr. Mobley's 5 success principles for success in people's personal lives.


Let’s Get Started 



Dr. Daphne Mobley is a rarity. She is a female veterinarian who went from the inner city to the CEO’s inner circle. Dr. Mobley is so grateful for her unique career journey that included achieving her dream of becoming a veterinarian, being mentored by the CEO/Chairman of Pfizer, working as the Vice President of Diversity at Pfizer and establishing her own business Daphne Mobley, LLC ( a motivational speaking and coaching company). She is passionate about making the world a better place for people and pets. One way that Dr. Mobley does this is by highlighting the human animal bond during her moving speeches. She loves sharing the many ways that pets enrich people’s lives. Dr. Mobley believes that pets not only enhance our lives, but they also teach us very valuable lessons. In fact, she learned life-changing lessons from her own dogs.